Meet Veronica

In a fast-paced world, where many are stressed, she believes travel can bring us back to our centre when designed well.

She understands that the best holidays are not always the ones that are racing to all the sights, rather the ones that allow us to pause, connect, breathe and truly appreciate encounters.

She’s been blessed to travel the world extensively for the past 11 years, with a passion for wellness, slow, sustainable travel, retreating and, a belief in exploring in a way that is both supportive for the destination and the traveler. Some of her favourite destinations include Spain, Portugal, India, Peru, Greece, Sicily, Colombia and Indonesia.

She know planning a holiday or a retreat can be tedious, time consuming and a little bit stressful if you have no idea where to start. Veronica combines her background in project planning, client services, yoga and meditation therapy, and her own lived experience of travelling the world, to design experiences for her clients that weave the bucket list items with rest and rejuvenation, leaving them feeling vibrant, nourished and inspired.